Final Fantasy XIV, Virtual Worlds FFXIV Images May 24, 2016 admin Miqo’te creation screen, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Au Ra creation screen, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Elezen creation screen, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Lalafell creation screen, by Jana Allmand-Zeman Roegadyn creation screen, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. This is the screen you will see after you have created characters, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. This is an example of Quest Journal, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. The Market Board is where you will buy and sell items from or to other players, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Gridania player housing area, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Limsa Lominsa Free Company housing area, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. This is Limsa Lominsa, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. This is New Gridania, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. This is Ul’dah’s shops and vendors, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Inside player housing. Can be designed and organized by players, by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Newlyweds on their wedding mount. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman.
SWTOR, Virtual Worlds SWTOR Images May 19, 2016 admin Choosing your allegience in SWTOR. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Selecting Jedi Consular Character. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Selecting your species in SWTOR. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Answering questions can give light or darkness. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Sell or buy from other players here at the Galactic Trade Network. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Zabrak Sith Inquisitor, Korriba Valley of the Dark Lords. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Sith Inquisitor Hangar. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman. The SWTOR galaxy from an airship. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Cyborg Smuggler, Ord Mantell, Drelliad Village. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman. Human Jedi Knight, Tython Master’s Retreat. Image by Jana Allmand-Zeman.